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Percussion guns such as the Hypervolt, Theragun or Nimbl have shown benefits in improving range of motion and pain discomfort through assumed mechanical, neurological and fluid dynamic changes to the tissue. In this video, we apply those benefits to the patented motion of Core-Tex to further influence the tissue under dynamic conditions using the rhythmical, oscillating motions of Core-Tex.

We often refer to mobility as the secret weapon of the Core-Tex®.  And if you have ever had the opportunity to go through some of the motions and principles described below.  You know exactly what we’re talking about.

A recent research article on Core-Tex in the International Journal of Research in Exercise Physiology looked at flexibility as one of the four components of fitness utilizing Core-Tex.  Improvements were clearly seen post Core-Tex intervention.

The science is there behind the amazing response you get from using the Core-Tex and reactive training for your mobility work. The concept of using subtle, oscillating motions in combination with Core-Tex achieves unique neurophysiological and vector variable, mechanical benefits.